Saturday, March 22, 2008

Turning your backyard into an orchard

Several of you commented about my desire to turn my backyard into an orchard. Here is the link to the NY Times article about this topic. It totally spoke to me. Enjoy!

The backyard orchard


Jan Marie said...

I think it is a great idea. I've planted 23 trees and have plans for more.

Dwarf fruit trees are great. Why plant a flowering crab or plum when you can plant a hardy REAL fruit tree.

My plans include a hardy kiwi, gooseberries, blackberries etc.

Good luck with your orchard.

Joanne said...

I just moved into a place with a tiny back yard, but lots of front yard. It's on a corner lot. I ordered some apple, pear, and plum trees that should be arriving soon. I'm sooooo excited! I'm also planning for gooseberries and blackberries. But I'm surprised at just how many people think I'm crazy. Why not grow your own fruit?

DeniseT said...

You're not crazy! If I had my way I'd rip out all of my grass and plant food...